District Offices
40 Fairview Avenue
High Bridge, NJ 08829
Phone: 908-638-4101
Quick Links

2024-2025 High Bridge Calendar .docx (pdf)
Back to School Information
Before & After Care
Budget Information
Employment Opportunities
Genesis Parent Portal
Gifted & Talented Program
Green Corner
Mandated Postings
NJ School District Performance Reports
Pathway to Resolution - Chain of Command (pdf)
Policies and Regulations
School Choice
School Lunch Information
School Lunch Menus
School Hours
Virtual Backpack

HIB Information

HIB Incident Form For Families (English)
HIB Incident Form for Families (Spanish)
HIB BOE Policy 5512
District HIB Personnel. (pdf)
Official HIB Grade Report 2022-23 (pdf)
Guidance for Schools (pdf)
Harassment Intimidation & Bullying Volunteer Training High Bridge School District

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Important Announcements

The High Bridge School District will be on a two-hour delayed opening schedule on Thursday, December 5th due to the reported icy conditions. No Before Care is available. Preschool will begin with the rest of the school at 10:20. Thank you.

The High Bridge School District Board of Education is accepting recommendations for qualified candidates to fill a vacancy on the Board of Education.

For more information, click HERE.

The next High Bridge Board of Education meeting will be held on Monday, December 9 at 6:30 pm. This meeting will be held in person at the Elementary School Library and virtually on Google Meet. You can join the virtual meeting one of two ways: 

Google Meet ID Link:    meet.google.com/sbs-oqie-brr

Phone Number:    1-513-816-0802

PIN:                      877 637 320#

Please note:  The Board will only accept public participation from those who are physically in attendance, as per Policy 0168.

The High Bridge School District is in need of substitute teachers and paraprofessional aides. If you are interested, please contact the Superintendent's Office or email Caryn Rinehart at rinehartc@hbshools.org

Do you have a concern about your child's education? Here is a helpful guide outlining the steps you should take to ensure your concern is handled properly and in the most efficient manner.
