District Offices
40 Fairview Avenue
High Bridge, NJ 08829
Phone: 908-638-4101
Student Health & Physical Exam Preschool - Grade 4 (pdf)
Preschool & Kindergarten Health History (pdf)
Pre-School Childcare Resources (pdf)
Immunizations Required (pdf)
Home Language Survey (pdf)


Welcome to the High Bridge Tiny Toppers Preschool Page!

High Bridge School District is offering a free full day preschool program for residents of High Bridge ages 3 and 4.  The program integrates 3- and 4-year-old students with diverse capabilities five days a week.  The program will be instructed by a teacher certified in both general and special education. The class will be supported by a paraprofessional, and the program will follow a state required curriculum. To be eligible your child must turn 3 (or 4) by October 1 of the new school year, a ll school registration requirements must be met, and you must provide transportation to and from the program.  There are three stages prior to entering the preschool program.  Stage 1 is Registration.  Stage 2 is our Lottery selection into the program.  Stage 3 is acceptance and submission of Medical records. Attention parents of 3 year old preschoolers already in the program for the current school year   - your child will automatically be placed into the preschool program for the next year.  There is no need to do anything further for registration or the lottery.


Stage 1 - Registration.


Registration is done through our Genesis Registration system.  To help you prepare for the registration process, you will be asked to provide a copy of your child's birth certificate and proof of residence.  For proof of residence, you may choose one item from each column or two from Column A in the chart below:   

The chart below will help you decide what documents to upload in Genesis.  Birth certificate is mandatory PLUS we require one item from each column A and column B - OR two from column A
Mandatory Column A - Choice of: Column B - Choice of:     
Child's Birth Certificate Property Tax Bill Driver's license
  Sewer Tax Bill Water Bill                           
  Homestead Rebate form Electric Bill
  Mortgage agreement Telephone Bill
  Copy of current lease Monthly rent receipt


Have a copy of your child's birth certificate and chosen proof of resident documents ready to electronically upload into the Genesis system.   Please use this link to begin the registration process for your child for the 2021-2022 school year:   Genesis Registration   (please note that this link does not guarantee a spot in the program but is required documentation)  
If you should have any questions regarding the preschool registration process, please contact Mrs. Christi Roling in the main office via email at rolingc@hbschools.org  

Stage 2 - Lottery 


Entrance into the preschool program is not automatic, but is chosen by lottery for all new preschool age students entering the High Bridge School District.**   All required documents described above need to be uploaded into the Genesis Registration system in order to be eligible for the lottery.  Once you receive confirmation of receiving your registration information, your child's name will be placed on our lottery list.  The lottery is held in March.  Should the number of children in the lottery list be equal to or less than the number of seats available to fullfill each classroom at the time of the lottery drawing date, then all names will be invited to the program.  If there are more children than seats available, a lottery drawing will be held.  If you come to this webpage after the March lottery, you may still register your child.  If there are seats still available, you will be notified by the school that your child has been invited to the program.  Any children remaining who were not selected by lottery drawing or who register after the lottery date and seats are no longer available will be placed on a waitlist.

**(Reminder -  3 year old preschoolers already in the program for the current school year will automatically be placed into the preschool program for the next year.  There is no need to do anything further for registration or the lottery.)  


Stage 3 - Invitation, Acceptance, Language Survey & Medical Forms 


If your child's name is selected in the lottery drawing, you will have an opportunity to meet our teachers and learn about our preschool curriculum.  Should you decide to have your child attend our preschool program, the final stage is submitting your child's Home Language Survey and the medical forms, specifically the The Preschool Health History Form, a current copy of your child's immunization record, and the  Student Health and Physical Exam Form.  These forms are located at the bottom of this page.  Please print out these forms.  The parent completes the Home Language Survey and the Health History Form.  Your child's doctor will need to complete the Physical Exam Form and provide you with a printout of their immunization record.  Once completed, the Language Survey and all medical forms need to be returned to Christi Roling or Nicole Cahill BEFORE JUNE 1ST.  Once we receive this paperwork, you will receive an email in August notifying you of your child's teacher and other school opening information.  Please be aware that your child will not be allowed to start school until all medical forms are submitted.


Who to turn to for questions or help :

Registration - Christi Roling - rolingc@hbschools.org

Medical Information - Nicole Cahill - cahilln@hbschools.org

Preschool Curriculum - Lisa Fallon - fallonl@hbschools.org


How Can I Prepare My Child for Preschool?

Click on the link below to find out what you can do.

One more document to note - at the bottom of this page is a document of preschool childcare resources should you have the need.  If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to Lisa Fallon at fallonl@hbschools.org.

We look forward to seeing you in September!